
dynamics高管净值 高净值董事长

谁可以帮忙翻译一下呀!TMT是高管的意思(翻译的好再加分) 不要机器翻译!就今天哦



Recent findings linking TMT composition and dynamics with new venture performance have been substantial.最近,高管的组成和动态关系与新企业绩效的关系有很多研究. In this regard, empirical evidence has identified clear linkages between the composition and group dynamics variables that we have described in the preceding sections with the survival and growth of startups. 在这方面,实证研究已经明确了组成与动态变量之间的关系,这些我们已经在之前关于初创企业的生存和发展阐述了.The foundation of these studies has been based in upper echelons theory, which argues that firms are a reflection of the top managers that lead them. 这些研究的基础建立在高层理论,认为公司的发展反映了高层管理者状态。This link has been supported through the study of several thousand new ventures, as well as countless larger and more established organizations.这种关系通过对几千个新企业的研究而被证实,同时也被较大的和完善的组织证明了.Such relationships, however, are typically found to be most robust in the new venture context.然而,这种关系在新企业背景下里被发现是最很强劲的.This is because the new venture context tends to be characterized by “weak” rather than “strong” strong situations.这是由于新创企业的环境特点取向于较弱而不是较强的状态. Mischel (1977) describes strong situations as those in which there are relatively uniform expectancies regarding appropriate behavior.Mischel(1977年)描述强大的状态为关于适当的行为有较统一的期望. In strong situations certain behaviors are reinforced by normative expectations and incentive structures that support learning those behaviors. Weak situations lack these characteristics and do not provide clear incentives, support, or normative expectations for what constitutes appropriate behavior. 在强的状态下,特定的行为被大家所期望的规范以及哪些支持学习这些行为的激励系统所强化.而在若的状态下,由于缺乏了这些特点,而没有为特定行为提供清晰的激励支持系统或者期望规范. It has been demonstrated that in weak situations, the individual characteristics and behavior of top management are likely to display clearer linkages to organizational outcomes than those acting within strong situations (Beaty et al., 2001).已经证明,在弱的情况下,高层管理团队的个人特性和行为,比在强的状态下,倾向于与组织绩效有着更明显的联系.As a result, it is anticipated that the top management team composition and dynamic variables that we have outlined will account for a lower proportion of variance in firm performance for university based start-ups than for those without such affiliation.因此,我们可以预期,高层团队的组成和动态变量在以大学为基础的创业企业中对公司的影响要小于没有这种附属关系的. In addition, the homogenous nature and less developed dynamics of university-based newventure top management teams should lead to deficits in firms performance as compared to that of independent start-ups. 进而,相似的特点和较少的动态改变使得基于大学的新创企业管理团队会比独立的新创企业容易引起赤字. This leads us to our final hypotheses这使我们做最后的假设:

Hypothesis 3. The amount of variance in firm performance that is accounted for by new venture TMT composition and dynamics will be lower for universitybased start-ups than for independent start-ups. 假设3。基于大学的创业团队的的组成与动态关系对公司绩效的影响程度要小于独立的新创企业.

Hypothesis 4. The performance of university-based start-ups will be lower than the performance of independent start-ups.假设4。基于大学的新创企业的绩效劣于独立的新创企业











调整在¯ uence银行的资本水平。该模型是基于以下3


This section describes a framework for analyzing the time series properties of deposit

insurance premiums, bank capital, and bank losses from failures. Since we wish to compare

the properties of premiums paid under a targeting policy, a model of the entire banking

system is needed. This is because premiums under a targeting policy depend on the current

level of insurance fund reserves, which, in turn, depends on the history of claims made

against the fund from prior bank failures. Therefore, the dynamics of the premium under a

targeting policy will depend on the dynamics of aggregate bank losses, and bank losses will

depend on the distribution of bank capital (net worth) for the banking system.

In the model described next, both continuous random shocks and discrete deterministic

adjustments in¯uence banks' capital levels. The model is based on the following three


3 。建模动态的存款保险的保费和损失

3. Modeling the dynamics of deposit insurance premiums and losses

网站标题:dynamics高管净值 高净值董事长







