有时候我们会不小心对一个大表进行了 update,比如说写错了 where 条件......
此时,如果 kill 掉 update 线程,那回滚 undo log 需要不少时间。如果放置不管,也不知道 update 会持续多久。
那我们能知道 update 的进度么?
连续执行同样的 SQL 数次,就可以快速构造千万级别的数据:
我们来释放一个大的 update:
然后另起一个 session,观察 performance_schema 中的信息:
可以看到,performance_schema 会列出当前 SQL 从引擎获取的行数。
等 SQL 结束后,我们看一下 update 从引擎总共获取了多少行:
可以看到该 update 从引擎总共获取的行数是表大小的两倍,那我们可以估算:update 的进度 = (rows_examined) / (2 * 表行数)
information_schema.tables 中,提供了对表行数的估算,比起使用 select count(1) 的成本低很多,几乎可以忽略不计。
那么是不是所有的 update,从引擎中获取的行数都会是表大小的两倍呢?这个还是要分情况讨论的,上面的 SQL 更新了主键,如果只更新内容而不更新主键呢?我们来试验一下:
等待 update 结束,查看 row_examined,发现其刚好是表大小:
一种方法是靠经验:update 语句的 where 中会扫描多少行,是否修改主键,是否修改唯一键,以这些条件来估算系数。
这样,我们就能准确估算一个大型 update 的进度了。
MySQLshow variables like 'log_bin';
MySQL show master status;
shellMySQLbinlog mail-bin.000001
shellMySQLbinlog mail-bin.000001 | tail 因为mail-bin.000001是二进制的日志,所以想看日志就需要用mysqlbinlog命令,将二进制文件转换为日志文件,下面详细说说如何使用:上面已经说过如果启用了日志文件,那么默认的日志文件就在data目录下(如果你没有更改的话)进入存放日志文件目录,使用mysqlbinlog localhost-bin.000202 new_file_name.log
有个小技巧跟大家介绍下,我在准备转换的时候发现日志文件有2G多,寻思着为什么mysql为什么不把日志按日志定期的分多个文件放呢。结果发现mysql有个更好的方法,可以通过时间参数获取某个时间段的数据,例子如下:mysqlbinlog --start-datetime="2010-11-20 00:00:00" --stop-datetime="2010-11-21 00:00:00"
[hx@localhost data]$ mysqlbinlog
mysqlbinlog Ver 3.0 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
By Monty and Sasha, for your professional use
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL licenseDumps a MySQL binary log in a format usable for viewing or for piping to
the mysql command line clientUsage: mysqlbinlog [options] log-files
-d, --database=name List entries for just this database (local log only).
-D, --disable-log-bin
Disable binary log. This is useful, if you enabled
--to-last-log and are sending the output to the same
MySQL server. This way you could avoid an endless loop.
You would also like to use it when restoring after a
crash to avoid duplication of the statements you already
have. NOTE: you will need a SUPER privilege to use this
-f, --force-read Force reading unknown binlog events.
-?, --help Display this help and exit.
-h, --host=name Get the binlog from server.
-o, --offset=# Skip the first N entries.
-p, --password[=name]
Password to connect to remote server.
-P, --port=# Use port to connect to the remote server.
-j, --position=# Deprecated. Use --start-position instead.
--protocol=name The protocol of connection (tcp,socket,pipe,memory).
-r, --result-file=name
Direct output to a given file.
-R, --read-from-remote-server
Read binary logs from a MySQL server
Used to reserve file descriptors for usage by this
-s, --short-form Just show the queries, no extra info.
-S, --socket=name Socket file to use for connection.
Start reading the binlog at first event having a datetime
equal or posterior to the argument; the argument must be
a date and time in the local time zone, in any format
accepted by the MySQL server for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP
types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 (you should
probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).
Stop reading the binlog at first event having a datetime
equal or posterior to the argument; the argument must be
a date and time in the local time zone, in any format
accepted by the MySQL server for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP
types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 (you should
probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).
--start-position=# Start reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the
first binlog passed on the command line.
--stop-position=# Stop reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the
last binlog passed on the command line.
-t, --to-last-log Requires -R. Will not stop at the end of the requested
binlog but rather continue printing until the end of the
last binlog of the MySQL server. If you send the output
to the same MySQL server, that may lead to an endless
-u, --user=name Connect to the remote server as username.
-l, --local-load=name
Prepare local temporary files for LOAD DATA INFILE in the
specified directory.
-V, --version Print version and exit.Variables (--variable-name=value)
and boolean options {FALSE|TRUE} Value (after reading options)
--------------------------------- -----------------------------
database (No default value)
disable-log-bin FALSE
force-read FALSE
host (No default value)
offset 0
port 3306
position 4
read-from-remote-server FALSE
open_files_limit 64
short-form FALSE
socket (No default value)
start-datetime (No default value)
stop-datetime (No default value)
start-position 4
stop-position 18446744073709551615
to-last-log FALSE
user (No default value)
local-load (No default value)2009.09.30 检查一个应用的问题的时候,发现通过 oracle 的 dblink 连接 mysql 进行更新等操作的时候,mysql 不会把操作的 sql 语句记录到日志文件里
1、首先确认你日志是否启用了mysqlshow variables like 'log_bin'。
3、怎样知道当前的日志mysql show master status。
4、看二进制日志文件用mysqlbinlog,shellmysqlbinlog mail-bin.000001或者shellmysqlbinlog mail-bin.000001 | tail,Windows 下用类似的。
1、首先,登陆mysql后,执行sql语句:show variables like 'log_bin'。